The traditional Open Day of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic was held on 28th September 2023 on the occasion of the Czech Statehood Day. As part of the accompanying programme, the contributory organisations of the Ministry of Culture presented themselves, including the Lidice Memorial. This year we chose an experiential form of promotion. Visitors to the Nostic Palace tried on VR goggles, through which they walked through the old Lidice, visited the factory in Łódź, where Lidice children were interned before their execution, the crypt of the Church of Cyril and Methodius, where paratroopers hid, and the family house No. 116, which is a typical representative of the post-war architectural development of Lidice. For those interested, there were also tablets with the Lidice80 research programme or educational activities connected with matching the dates of significant events of the Heydrichiad and the Lidice tragedy. A new presentation film on the activities of the Lidice Memorial was also shown in the Stables throughout the day. The presentation stand of the Lidice Memorial was visited by hundreds of people who were actively interested not only in our history and activities, but also in the wider historical and political context. Everyone across generations got involved. We thank the Ministry of Culture for the opportunity to make this presentation possible.
Are you looking for a trip to explore history, architecture, landscape architecture, the largest rose garden in Central Europe and valuable art that touches your heart? Plus a programme for children? Come to the Lidice Memorial and experience a day full of interesting insights and surprises. We look forward to seeing you!